Wednesday 30 November 2011

Christmas Season

Tis the season to be jolly fa la la la la la la la la...

Tis also the season to share the gospel! To be fair, so is every other season but it does seem like at this time of the year people are just so much happier to hear about Jesus. So we really want to make the most of the opportunities that arise. 

Therefore, we would really appreciate lots of prayer for the following events that will be taking place over the next three weeks: 

Wednesday 7th: Beer & Carols- This is an event run by the chaplaincy but it's also something we're encouraging CU members to take friends to. It will be a really relaxed event where we can just go to the pub and sing some carols with our mates. We really believe in relational evangelism so this is something that can really help us share the gospel with our friends in the future. 

Monday 12th: We'll be having our Christmas social but making the most out of the opportunity! The plan is to all go out for a meal but bring a friend along . It'll be a really nice time just to celebrate Christmas together but we will also be having a short gospel talk from Steve Baraniak (our breakaway and 'Uncover Jesus' week speaker) .

Wednesday 14th: This is the DMU carol service which the CU will help host.  It'll be a really nice traditional celebration of Christmas but also a great way to share the gospel with our mates!

Thursday 15th: Now this is the long awaited CU barn dance! This is primarily just a social- we do love our barn dances! But as I said, we think relationships in evangelism are so important so sometimes social events like this just really lay the foundation for us to share the gospel with our friends at a later date! 

So please do be praying for the success of these events.

Thank you all for your support and prayer- it is all really appreciated! 

God bless, 
Jennie (President of DMUCU) 

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