Tuesday 30 August 2011

Prayer for Leaders :)

Hi Everyone!

I hope this blog finds you all well!

Well, DMUCU has had a very relaxed summer so far with not too much to pray for but in the next few weeks it seems we are going to be some very busy bees!

This year we will be getting a new relay worker- the lovely Joe Eardley! He was the last president of our CU and during the last year he decided he still wanted to work for God on our campus, as well as the campus of Leicester University. Today he headed off to Quinta Halls to start his training and it would be great if you could keep him in your prayers for the next few weeks!

Also, as of Monday, the rest of the CU leadership- the Exec and the small group leaders- will be joining Joe for another week of training up at Quinta along with all the other CU leaders from across the country! It's going to be an amazing time, learning how to share God on campus is always a very enjoyable experience. However, I know that some of us are a bit anxious about going as we don't know what to expect from the week so it would be great if you could keep all the leaders in your prayers too!

It wont be long until we all start making our way back to Leicester so the blog posts should become more often from here on.

Our plans for the next academic year are slowly coming together but I wont lie- it's been a stressful few weeks trying to sort it out! Please keep supporting us as you are and pray that our mission this year is a successful one! Also please pray for the leaders that we will ensure we are always relying on God rather than ourselves... I know I can often get carried away with loving my lists too much!

I hope you all enjoy the last few days of the summer and we all look forward to seeing our lovely churches again very soon!

God bless you all :)

(DMUCU President)