Thursday 29 September 2011

Wednesday Catch-up

Hello everyone!

Last night was incredible, I was very much reminded of the feeding of the 5,000... though we sadly didn't have 5,000 people along to hear the gospel- we had around 80 attend our 'Fish and Chips' event. Still we are so pleased with this turn out as there were lots of unfamiliar faces of international students and I suspect some other British students who have never thought about Christ before.

Our speaker, Paula, gave a great demonstration of Jesus' sacrifice for us as well as telling everyone what it means to be a Christian.

Though we were so exhausted God really provided for us, there was plenty of food and I think it was really important that those of us in charge really had the message hit home how beautiful and trust-worthy God is. He will never let us down!

Tonight, we're having our first main meeting of the year with worship, teaching and prayer. This will be a great opportunity to show the Fresher's what DMUCU is like normally. Please pray that tonight that they all grasp the fact that we are a mission team and it would also be great if you could pray for them to get involved whole heartedly in serving God on campus!

God bless,
(President of DMUCU)

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Tuesday Catch-Up

Good afternoon everyone!

Well I knew people liked cake but WOW!

Our God is such a prayer answering God it's incredible. Yesterday we prayed for our Pudding party in the evening as well as for the success of our international cafe that is being set up. Well talk about killing two birds with one stone.

Not only did we have an amazing turn out to our event- of lots of new faces (some Christians and I think some who were not) but we also had a fantastic turn out of international students. So, we were completely able to advertise the cafe to them.

The talk from our staff worker, Matthew, seemed also to be a hit. His honesty and casual approach seemed to spark some interest (or at least facial expressions that showed interest) from our guests. We would really appreciate it if you would pray that even if the immediate reaction from people wasn't a positive one, that it would be a seed planted in their hearts at least.

Now, tonight we are hosting our event 'Fish and Chips', I feel it's self explanatory but just in case- we are getting fish and chips for all of our guests to eat while listening to our gospel based talk. Lots of people have shown an interest in this event which is amazing because the more people to hear the gospel the better. However, I must admit that there are some concerns about how much such an event will cost. Please really pray that God would provide us with the finances so we wont struggle with them after this event. We are really praying for a miracle here.

Still if anyone would like to donate some much needed money to our mission. Please do let me know, email me at

God bless you all,
(President of DMUCU)

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Monday Catch-Up

So yesterday we started with a bang... well more of a strum/shout/... I don't know how to describe the sound of someone playing a keyboard...maybe that is a bang!

We kicked off our Fresher's week with our Music Night last night, filling the room with fairy lights and lamps, scattering gospels around and putting a variety of snacks on each table seemed to create a nice cosy atmosphere for the Freshers. And praise God, there were Freshers!

After the event we headed to the Western pub- as is practically a tradition with DMUCU- to socialize a bit more  and some of the Fresher's even decided to join us there which was fantastic.

We really want to praise God for his provision. For a while we weren't entirely sure how many performers we'd have or whether there would be enough to fill up the evening, but two of the guys from the DMU music society turned up and played for us!

On a more personal note, I was completely blown away by God yesterday. I have always been a real stress head and control freak- though since God came into my life about 3 years ago I've been seeing a change in that. However, I've never had such a big a test for my stress levels as this. And I must say they are practically non-existent! Not everything has gone to plan but not once has God let us down and not once has he let me feel panicked or worried. I found myself telling people I was stressed when they asked how I was just out of habit and had to change my mind saying 'actually no I'm not, I thought I would be but I'm really not'. So I personally really want to thank God there for being such a great Father :)

So moving on with today, we have more flyering to do to advertise our events so if you're reading this please pray that we get a good response from people, and that when we don't we wont be disheartened or feel personally rejected.

Then later on tonight at 7pm we have our pudding party! I'm really excited about this one as it's always very popular and it was the first CU event I ever went to. Lets face it people love cake! If anyone is still available to donate us with puddings/sweets that would still be amazing. You could get in contact with someone you know from the CU to get them or drop them off in the DMU chaplaincy on the second floor of the campus centre. When flyering I had a request from a third year non-Christian that I work with for another pudding party- lets pray she comes and has an opportunity to hear the gospel!

God bless you all,
(President of DMUCU)

Monday 26 September 2011

Fresher's Week Kicks Off

Hi All!

So our Fresher's Week events are about to kick off tonight and we are very excited!

In situations like this where we have no idea who to expect we can really learn to lean on God and trust him all the more. We want to dedicated not only our events this week but everything we do at DMUCU to God. So we really would appreciate your prayer.

Over the weekend and also this morning we were handing out flyers at two of the halls of residence and also at the students union and so far we've had some really positive reactions towards our events. We pray this will mean a high turn out at all our events this week and that many people will have the opportunity to hear the gospel of Christ for the first time.

Our first event tonight is a Music Night with a gospel based talk. We hope that God will use this not only to provide us with more students to join our mission team but also to lead people to his kingdom!

We're also still looking for funding and sponsorship for the CU and our mission to make Christ known on campus this year.  We're really rather desperate for money at the moment so if anyone can donate anything at all, please email me at

God bless you all,
(President of DMUCU)

Saturday 10 September 2011

Forum 2011!

Hi Everyone,

Well Forum was amazing!

So much happened that it's going to be hard to keep it all nice and concise in a blog post but I shall give it a go...

God is incredible! Nine of our leaders ended up going on the training week and from who I've spoke to about it so far, God has really acted in our lives.

I have a small testimony to share about it myself if I may. For the last few weeks I had been feeling really low and every area of my Christian life seemed to be failing me a little bit. I was never really in the mood to pray and when I did it was more out of guilt than a desire to speak to our Heavenly Father. I was also struggling to read my Bible and again when I did it was more because I felt that I had to because my FiancĂ© was reading his so much (what a good FiancĂ©!)

But I just felt so lost and knew that I shouldn't and I didn't really know why I felt that way so I guess I was just slowing giving up on actually living for God wholly. We got to Forum at about 6pm on Monday and had an evening meeting and I just really wasn't feeling it, I was singing rather than worshipping and saw the talk as a good opportunity just to practice my shorthand and the same seemed to happen in the morning meeting the next day.

But throughout the next day when we were going to our seminars and workshops I started to realise how little time I was spending with God and that was most likely the reason for me feeling so low. But it was a bit of a catch 22, I didn't feel I could be with God because I was low but I was low because I wasn't spending time with God.

Then I finally realised that I was still with God, or at least he was with me. A talk I was in really bought to light that God wasn't pulling away from me and any distance that was there was created by my own feelings for one reason or another. Still I felt like 'well I have this knowledge now but what do I do with it?' So I prayed this really short pathetic prayer saying to God 'I don't feel like I can do this by myself, I know this is my fault but please just pull me closer.' He COMPLETELY did!

Towards the end of the Tuesday evening meeting I was singing worship and realized that I was again actually singing worship! Then I realized my eyes were filling with tears and I found my heart just begging to God, and his spirit filled flowed through me.

Over the next day I made a real focus to spend time with God one on one and to really listen to what he put in my heart and I ended up texting my non-Christian best friend and my non-Christian parents about God, something that I find really hard to do normally but he gave me such a great confidence in him. Amazing! I just saw so many examples of his incredible love that next day that I was so overwhelmed I broke down crying in that evening meeting. From both the feeling of being overwhelmed from his love as well as a feeling of complete stupidity for every being scared and pushing him away.

I'm so happy I went to Forum for that if not anything else. But there are so many other reasons I'm greatful I went.

As leaders we were really tested to be unified and spend time together in a way that would set a good example for the rest of the CU. God put this problem on some of the leaders hearts and it really broke the heart of one of the girls and she brought the problem up to us. Then our Father really pulled us back together again and it seems we are a stronger (and hopefully a more effective) team than ever! God has been so good!

There is so much more I could say about Forum, but the most important thing you should know if how good God is. And we are so greatful to the UCCF for giving us the opportunity to have that week of focusing on God and our mission.

We really think that this has pumped us up to give the students at DMU the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel of Christ, but not in a way that has wound us up just to keep going until the end of Freshers week, but in a way that will encourage us to live our entire lives for the benefit of Jesus Christ.

Our God has done everything for us by giving us his son, and this week has reminded us that we owe him everything!

You can hold us accountable to that one :p

God bless you all,
(CU President)