Tuesday 27 September 2011

Monday Catch-Up

So yesterday we started with a bang... well more of a strum/shout/... I don't know how to describe the sound of someone playing a keyboard...maybe that is a bang!

We kicked off our Fresher's week with our Music Night last night, filling the room with fairy lights and lamps, scattering gospels around and putting a variety of snacks on each table seemed to create a nice cosy atmosphere for the Freshers. And praise God, there were Freshers!

After the event we headed to the Western pub- as is practically a tradition with DMUCU- to socialize a bit more  and some of the Fresher's even decided to join us there which was fantastic.

We really want to praise God for his provision. For a while we weren't entirely sure how many performers we'd have or whether there would be enough to fill up the evening, but two of the guys from the DMU music society turned up and played for us!

On a more personal note, I was completely blown away by God yesterday. I have always been a real stress head and control freak- though since God came into my life about 3 years ago I've been seeing a change in that. However, I've never had such a big a test for my stress levels as this. And I must say they are practically non-existent! Not everything has gone to plan but not once has God let us down and not once has he let me feel panicked or worried. I found myself telling people I was stressed when they asked how I was just out of habit and had to change my mind saying 'actually no I'm not, I thought I would be but I'm really not'. So I personally really want to thank God there for being such a great Father :)

So moving on with today, we have more flyering to do to advertise our events so if you're reading this please pray that we get a good response from people, and that when we don't we wont be disheartened or feel personally rejected.

Then later on tonight at 7pm we have our pudding party! I'm really excited about this one as it's always very popular and it was the first CU event I ever went to. Lets face it people love cake! If anyone is still available to donate us with puddings/sweets that would still be amazing. You could get in contact with someone you know from the CU to get them or drop them off in the DMU chaplaincy on the second floor of the campus centre. When flyering I had a request from a third year non-Christian that I work with for another pudding party- lets pray she comes and has an opportunity to hear the gospel!

God bless you all,
(President of DMUCU)

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